The Fastest Way To Grow Mushrooms - Steps to Speedrun Mushroom Cultivation
Looking for the fastest way to grow mushrooms? Follow the steps below.
If you're a mushroom cultivation enthusiast looking for the fastest way to grow mushrooms and get your first harvest, you've come to the right place. While RyzaPods are already designed to be user-friendly and fast, these advanced "speedrun" instructions will help you shave precious time off the growing process. Here's how to accelerate your mushroom cultivation.
We designed RyzaPods to be the easiest and fastest mushroom grow kit on the market. Check them out here.
Maximize Your Inoculant
Use a Full Syringe: For the fastest results, utilize a full syringe of liquid culture per RyzaPod during inoculation, while observing normal sterile techniques. If you’re using one of the big all-in-one bags, consider two syringes of the same species and strain. While our standard recommendation is 5cc per pod, which a compromise between speed and inoculant cost, using more inoculant speeds up colonization. This also applies to spore syringes, though they typically add an extra 1-2 weeks to the timeline. And don’t worry - the additional liquid won’t throw off the water content of RyzaPods.
Optimal Temperature During Colonization
Maintain 78-80°F: Keep your RyzaPods in a dark place at a stable temperature around 78-80°F. This can be tricky but crucial for faster colonization. Many growers turn to electrical seed germination mats. A seed germination mat may be too warm directly, so use a thin hand towel between the mat and the pod to moderate the temperature. Consider using an aquarium thermometer strip to monitor the temperature, ensuring it doesn't exceed 83-85°F. Always follow safety instructions for any heating equipment.
Early Fruiting Introduction
Start Fruiting Early: Once your RyzaPod is between 50% and 75% colonized, and there's at least 2 inches of colonized substrate around the pod, you can begin fruiting conditions. This early start can speed up the overall timeline to first harvest.
Fork Technique
Surface Disruption: Lightly disrupt the surface of the substrate with a sterilized fork to encourage faster fruiting. Detailed steps can be found here.
Cold Shock
12-24 Hour Cold Shock: Send a big signal to your mycelium that it’s an ideal time to fruit. After introducing fruiting conditions and disrupting the surface, put your RyzaPod in the fridge for 12-24 hours to stimulate mushroom growth and primordia formation. Detailed steps can be found here. This simulates the factors in nature which stimulate fruiting for mycelium in the wild.
Fruiting Conditions
Lower Temperature and Light Exposure: Maintain cooler temperatures between 62°F-72°F during the fruiting phase. Place your RyzaPod in a spot with indirect sunlight, enough to read a book by. Mist the substrate and the inside of the humidity dome 2-3 times daily to keep them moist, but avoid standing water at the bottom of the RyzaPod. Watch for hyphal knots and primordia as indicators of progress.
Timely Harvesting
Harvest Before Caps Fully Open: Harvest your mushrooms just after the veils break, before the caps fully open. This timing ensures they are harvested at peak quality and prevents them from using up valuable resources for spore generation. Harvest selectively to pick the mushrooms that are ready, leaving behind those that need more time.
These instructions are a little more hands-on that our standard process, but by following these "speedrun" tips, you can enjoy the fastest mushroom cultivation process with RyzaPods. Happy growing!