Why Mushrooms Don't Need Grow Lights
Plants need light for energy, but mushrooms get their energy from the substrate they grow in.
Do Mushrooms Need Grow Lights?
When it comes to mushroom cultivation, a common question is: do mushrooms need light to grow? Especially for those new to the mycological world, the role of grow light mushrooms might seem essential. However, mushrooms differ significantly from most plants; they don't require light to grow, though it can assist and speed mushroom fruiting. Unlike plants, which utilize sunlight to photosynthesize, mushrooms thrive best in different conditions. Here’s why.
Looking for an easy way to grow mushrooms? Checkout our RyzaPods.
No Photosynthesis? No Problem!
Mushrooms, unlike green plants, don't need sunlight to photosynthesize. Instead, as saprophytes, they derive energy from the substrate they grow in. This unique nutritional process is why mushrooms can be found growing in environments like decaying wood or compost. In the case of RyzaPods, they grow in a carefully formulated substrate, extracting nutrients without the need for light.
Light as a Trigger
What light level do mushrooms grow at? While it's true that mushrooms do not rely on light for growth, it's important to understand the specific role of light for mushrooms. Light acts as a trigger, not an energy source, for mushroom development. A minimal amount of indirect light signals the mycelium that it's time to fruit. However, excessive direct sunlight can be detrimental, drying out the mushrooms. The ideal condition is a soft, indirect light, akin to the level where one could comfortably read a book.
Growing Mushrooms with RyzaPods
With RyzaPods, the guesswork about light for mushrooms is taken out of the equation. Our pods create an optimal environment, maintaining the right balance of humidity and temperature for mushroom growth. There’s no need for additional tubs or fruiting chambers. Once colonization is complete, simply expose them to indirect light, preferably from a window or an overhead light. The best part of RyzaPods is that they allow light where the mushrooms need it, on the top surface, but the blackout label prevents light from getting the side of the substrate, which can promote nuisance side-pinning.
The Takeaway
In the world of mycology, less is often more. While you might think that your mushrooms need plenty of light to grow, the reality is quite the opposite. Without the need for photosynthesis, mushrooms can happily colonize and fruit without the need for any special lighting conditions. With RyzaPods, growing your own mushrooms is easier than ever, even if you don't have a green thumb!